Developer Guide =============== Quickstart Guides --------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer/dev_prereq developer/baf_minikube_setup developer/docker-build Additional Developer prerequisites ---------------------------------- * :ref:`sphinx` * :ref:`molecule` .. _sphinx: Sphinx tool ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation. This tool is needed to build the Blockchain Automation Framework documentation from ``docs`` folder. * Sphinx version used 2.1.1 **Sphinx installation:** Follow the `link `_ to install sphinx documentation tool. All the Blockchain Automation Framework documentation and Sphinx Configuration files (````) are located in `docs/source `_ folder. To build the documentation, execute the following command from `docs` directory: .. code:: bash make html # or for Windows .\Make.bat html .. _molecule: Molecule ~~~~~~~~~~~ `Molecule `__ is designed to aid in the development and testing of `Ansible `_ roles. In BAF, Molecule is used to check for common coding standards, yaml errors and unit testing Ansible code/roles. * Molecule version used 2.22 **Requirements** * Docker Engine * Python3 (and pip configured with python3) **Molecule installation** Please refer to the `Virtual environment`_ documentation for installation best practices. If not using a virtual environment, please consider passing the widely recommended `'--user' flag`_ when invoking ``pip``. .. _Virtual environment: .. _'--user' flag: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install --user 'molecule[docker]' The existing test scenarios are found in the `molecule` folder under configuration of each platform e.g. `platforms/shared/configuration/molecule `__ folder. Ansible Roles and Playbooks --------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer/shared developer/corda-ansible developer/corda-ent-ansible developer/fabric-ansible developer/indy-ansible developer/quorum-ansible developer/besu-ansible Helm Charts --------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer/shared-helmcharts developer/corda-helmcharts developer/corda-ent-helmcharts developer/fabric-helmcharts developer/indy-helmcharts developer/quorum-helmcharts developer/besu-helmcharts Jenkins Automation --------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 developer/jenkins