Corda Enterprise Architecture Reference


Peer Nodes

The following diagram shows how Corda peer nodes will be deployed on your Kubernetes instance.

../_images/corda-ent-node.pngFigure: R3 Corda Enterprise Kubernetes Deployment - Peers


  1. Pods are shown in blue in the diagram.
  2. Certificates are mounted as in-memory volumes from the Vault.
  3. The h2 database is a separate pod running in the same namespace. In future release, PostgreSQL will be implemented as well.
  4. All storage uses a Kubernetes Persistent Volume.
  5. Release does not implement Corda firewall components. These will be implemented in later releases based on demand.

Support Services

The following diagram shows how the Corda Enterprise Network Map Services (Identity Manager, Networkmap, Signer and Notary) will be deployed on your Kubernetes instance(s).

../_images/corda-ent-support-services.pngFigure: R3 Corda Kubernetes Deployment - CENM Services


  1. Pods are shown in blue in the diagram.
  2. Certificates are mounted as in-memory volumes from the Vault.
  3. All CENM pods (except Notary) have separate H2 volume for data storage. In future release, PostgreSQL will be implemented as well.
  4. Notary service has a separate H2 pod for data storage. In future release, PostgreSQL will be implemented as well.
  5. All storage uses a Kubernetes Persistent Volume.
  6. Release implements Notary in the same namespace as other CENM services. They will be separated when HA Notary is implemented in later releases.


../_images/blockchain-automation-framework-corda-ent.pngFigure: Corda Enterprise Components

Docker Images

For Corda Enterprise, the corda_ent_node and corda_ent_firewall docker images should be built and put in a private docker registry. Please follow these instructions to build docker images for Corda Enterprise.

The official Corda images are available on Docker Hub. These are evaluation only, for production implementation, please aquire licensed images from R3, upload them into your private docker registry and update the tags accordingly.

Following Corda Docker Images are used and needed by the Blockchain Automation Framework.

Ansible Playbooks

Detailed information on ansible playbooks can be referred here and the execution process can be referred here.

Helm Charts

Detailed information on helm charts can be referred here.

Vault Configuration WIP

The Blockchain Automation Framework stores their crypto and credentials immediately within the secret secrets engine.

Crypto Material Path Credentials Path
secret/<servicename> secret/<servicename>/credentials
  • secrets/notary/credentials/database - Contains password for notary database for admin and user:
sa="newh2pass" notaryUser1="xyz1234" notaryUser2="xyz1236"
  • secrets/notary/credentials/keystore - Contains password for notary keystore:
keyStorePassword="newpass" trustStorePassword="newpass" defaultTrustStorePassword"=trustpass" defaultKeyStorePassword="cordacadevpass" sslkeyStorePassword="sslpass" ssltrustStorePassword="sslpass"
  • secrets/notary/credentials/networkmappassword - Contains password for networkmap:
  • secrets/notary/credentials/rpcusers - Contains password for rpc users:
notaryoperations="usera" notaryoperations1="usera" notaryoperations2="usera" notaryadmin="usera"
  • secrets/notary/credentials/vaultroottoken - Contains password for vault root token in the format:
  • secrets/<org-name>/credentials/database - Contains password for notary database for admin and user:
sa="newh2pass" <org-name>User1="xyz1234" <org-name>User2="xyz1236"
  • secrets/<org-name>/credentials/keystore - Contains password for notary keystore:
keyStorePassword="newpass" trustStorePassword="newpass" defaultTrustStorePassword"=trustpass" defaultKeyStorePassword="cordacadevpass" sslkeyStorePassword="sslpass" ssltrustStorePassword="sslpass"
  • secrets/<org-name>/credentials/networkmappassword - Contains password for networkmap:
  • secrets/<org-name>/credentials/rpcusers - Contains password for rpc users:
<org-name>operations="usera" <org-name>operations1="usera" <org-name>operations2="usera" <org-name>admin="usera"
  • secrets/<org-name>/credentials/vaultroottoken - Contains password for vault root token in the format:

The complete Corda Enterprise Certificate and key paths in the vault can be referred here.