
Use case description

Welcome to the Supply Chain application which allows nodes to track products or goods along their chain of custody, providing everyone along the way with relevant data to their product. The implementation has been done for Hyperledger Fabric, Quorum and R3 Corda. The three will slightly differ in behavior but follow the same principles. There are two types of items that can be tracked, products and containers. Products are defined as such:

Field Description
trackingID which is a predefined unique ID, also a UUID, which is directly extracted from a
QR code.
participants List of parties that will be in the chain of custody for the given product (extracted
from QR code)
custodian Party details of the current holder of the good.. This is changed to null when items
are scanned out of possession and set to new owner upon scanning into possession
at next node
health Data from IOT sensors regarding condition of good (might only store min, max,
average values which are stored on the local device until custodian changes or
something to minimize constant state changes) NOTE: This value is obsolete and not
used right now, it'll remain for future updates.
productName Item name extracted from the QR
timestamp Time at which most recent change of hands occurred
misc Other data which is configurable and is being mapped from QR code
containerID ID of any outer containing box. If null, behave normally. If container exists,
then custodian should be null and actually be read from the ContainerState

The creator of the product will be marked as its initial custodian. As a custodian, a node is able to package and unpackage goods. Packaging a good stores an item in an existing ContainerState structured as such:

Field Description
trackingID which is a predefined unique ID which is directly extracted from a QR code
participants List of parties that will be in the chain of custody for the given product
(extracted from QR code)
custodian Party details of the current holder of the good.. This is changed to null when items
are scanned out of possession and set to new owner upon scanning into possession
at next node
health Data from IOT sensors regarding condition of good (might only store min, max, average
values which are stored on the local device until custodian changes or something to
minimize constant state changes) NOTE: This value is obsolete and not used right now,
it'll remain for future updates.
timestamp Time at which most recent change of hands occurred
misc other data which is configurable and is being mapped from QR code
containerID ID of any outer containing box. If null, behave normally. If container exists, then
custodian should be null and actually be read from the ContainerState
contents list of linearIDs for items contained inside

Products being packaged will have their trackingID added to the contents list of the container. The Product will be updated when its container is updated. If a product is contained it can no longer be handled directly (ie transfer ownership of a single product while still in a container with others).

Any of the participants can scan the QR code to claim custodianship. History can be extracted via transactions stored on the ledger/ within the vault.

As mentioned before, items are identified by their QR code. These codes are meant to be generated about a product and used to interact with a product. The QR will store a parsable JSON body with the following format:

Field Description
productName Item name extracted from the QR
trackingID which is a predefined unique ID which is directly extracted from a QR code
counterparties List of parties that will be in the chain of custody for the given product (extracted
from QR code)
misc other data which is configurable and is being mapped from QR code

Also containers are identified by their QR code. These codes are meant to be generated about a container and use to interact with a container. The QR will store a parsable JSON body with the following format:

Field Description
trackingID which is a predefined unique ID which is directly extracted from a QR code
counterparties List of parties that will be in the chain of custody for the given product (extracted
from QR code)
misc other data which is configurable and is being mapped from QR code


  • The supplychain application requires that nodes have subject names that include a location field in the x.509 name formatted as such: L=<lat>/<long>/<city>
  • Fabric or Corda network of 1 or more organizations

Setup Guide

The setup process has been automated using Ansible scripts, GitOps, and Helm charts. The files have all been provided to use and require the user to populate the network.yaml file accordingly.

The playbooks are as listed:

  • platforms\r3-corda\configuration\deploy_cordapps.yaml
  • platforms\hyperledger-fabric\configuration\chaincode-install-instantiate.yaml
  • examples\supplychain-app\configuration\deploy-supplychain-app.yaml

These playbooks make use of several roles defined within

  • create/corda/api_components
  • create/corda/api_values
  • create/fabric/api_components
  • create/fabric/api_values
  • create/frontend

They are responsible for creating the helm release files for the platform specfic rest service, the nodejs api abstraction layer, and the front end.

Generating QR code

Products and containers are identified by their QR code. These codes need to be generated for interacting with products and contianers. A module for generating QR is provided along with this sample. The QR generating module can be found on the location:


Module for generating QR code is divided into two sections. The first section is generating QR code for the product. Codes from the first section are meant to be generated about a product and are used to interact with the product.

Following are the required fields in the QR Code generation form for the products along with the format:

Field Format Description
Product Name string Name of the Product
Tracking ID string A predefined unique ID for product
Type string Must match asset in /public , for misc argument
Product Details JSON key:value format Used for misc argument, eg {"name":"Expensive Dextrose"}
Counter Parties CSV, no spaces Counter parties should be of the format that the DLT/Blockchain
network can identify. E.g. For Corda, these are the Node OUs, and
for Fabric, these are the subjects of Anchor Peers.

The second section is provided for generating the QR code for the containers. Codes from this section are meant to be generated about a container and used to interact with a container.

Following are the required fields in the QR Code generation form for the containers along with the format:

Field Format Description
Name string Name of the Container
Tracking ID String A predefined unique ID for container
Type string Must match asset in /public , for misc argument
Counter Parties CSV, no spaces Counter parties should be of the format that the DLT
network can identify. E.g. For Corda, these are the Node OUs, and
for Fabric, these are the subjects of Anchor Peers.