Configuration file specification: R3 Corda

A network.yaml file is the base configuration file for setting up a Corda DLT network. This file contains all the information related to the infrastructure and network specifications. Here is the structure of it. ../_images/TopLevelClass-Corda.png

Before setting up a Corda DLT/Blockchain network, this file needs to be updated with the required specifications. A sample configuration file is provide in the repo path:platforms/r3-corda/configuration/samples/network-cordav2.yaml

A json-schema definition is provided in platforms/network-schema.json to assist with semantic validations and lints. You can use your favorite yaml lint plugin compatible with json-schema specification, like redhat.vscode-yaml for VSCode. You need to adjust the directive in template located in the first line based on your actual build directory:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=../platforms/network-schema.json

The configurations are grouped in the following sections for better understanding.

  • type
  • version
  • frontend
  • env
  • docker
  • network_services
  • organizations

Here is the snapshot from the sample configuration file


The sections in the sample configuration file are

type defines the platform choice like corda/fabric/quorum. Use corda for Corda Opensource and corda-enterprise for Corda Enterprise.

version defines the version of platform being used, here in example the Corda version is 4.0, the corda version 4.7 is supported by latest release. Please note only 4.4 above is supported for Corda Enterprise.

frontend is a flag which defines if frontend is enabled for nodes or not. Its value can only be enabled/disabled. This is only applicable if the sample Supplychain App is being installed.

env section contains the environment type and additional (other than 8443) Ambassador port configuration. Value for proxy field under this section has to be ‘ambassador’ as ‘haproxy’ has not been implemented for Corda.

The snapshot of the env section with example values is below

    type: "env-type"                # tag for the environment. Important to run multiple flux on single cluster
    proxy: ambassador               # value has to be 'ambassador' as 'haproxy' has not been implemented for Corda
    ambassadorPorts:                # Any additional Ambassador ports can be given here, this is valid only if proxy='ambassador'
      portRange:              # For a range of ports 
        from: 15010 
        to: 15043
    # ports: 15020,15021      # For specific ports
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: # (Optional) Default value is '', this value can be changed to any other IP adres or list (comma-separated without spaces) of IP adresses, this is valid only if proxy='ambassador'
    retry_count: 20                 # Retry count for the checks
    external_dns: enabled           # Should be enabled if using external-dns for automatic route configuration

The fields under env section are

Field Description
type Environment type. Can be like dev/test/prod.
proxy Choice of the Cluster Ingress controller. Currently supports ambassador only as haproxy has not been implemented for Corda
ambassadorPorts Any additional Ambassador ports can be given here. This is only valid if proxy: ambassador
loadBalancerSourceRanges (Optional) Restrict inbound access to a single or list of IP adresses for the public Ambassador ports to enhance Bevel network security. This is only valid if proxy: ambassador.
retry_count Retry count for the checks. Use a large number if your kubernetes cluster is slow.
external_dns If the cluster has the external DNS service, this has to be set enabled so that the hosted zone is automatically updated.

docker section contains the credentials of the repository where all the required images are built and stored.

For Opensource Corda, the required instructions are found here.

For Corda Enterprise, all Docker images has to be built and stored in a private Docker registry before running the Ansible playbooks. The required instructions are found here.

The snapshot of the docker section with example values is below

  # Docker registry details where images are stored. This will be used to create k8s secrets
  # Please ensure all required images are built and stored in this registry. 
    url: "<url>"
    username: "<username>"
    password: "<password>"

The fields under docker section are

Field Description
url Docker registry url. Must be private registry for Corda Enterprise
username Username credential required for login
password Password credential required for login

NOTE: Please follow these instructions to build and store the docker images before running the Ansible playbooks.

The snapshot of the network_services section with example values is below

  # Remote connection information for doorman/idman and networkmap (will be blank or removed for hosting organization)
    - service:
      name: doorman
      type: doorman
      certificate: home_dir/platforms/r3-corda/configuration/build/corda/doorman/tls/ambassador.crt
      crlissuer_subject: "CN=Corda TLS CRL Authority,OU=Corda UAT,O=R3 HoldCo LLC,L=New York,C=US"
    - service:
      name: networkmap
      type: networkmap
      certificate: home_dir/platforms/r3-corda/configuration/build/corda/networkmap/tls/ambassador.crt
      truststore: home_dir/platforms/r3-corda-ent/configuration/build/networkroottruststore.jks #Certificate should be encoded in base64 format
      truststore_pass: rootpassword

The network_services section contains a list of doorman/networkmap which is exposed to the network. Each service has the following fields:

Field Description
type For Corda, networkmap and doorman (idman for Corda Enterprise) are the only valid type of network_services.
name Only for Corda Enterprise. Name of the idman/networkmap service.
uri Doorman/IDman/Networkmap external URL. This should be reachable from all nodes.
certificate Absolute path to the public certificates for Doorman/IDman and Networkmap.
crlissuer_subject Only for Corda Enterprise Idman. Subject of the CRL Issuer.
truststore Only for Corda Enterprise Networkmap. Absolute path to the base64 encoded networkroot truststore.
truststore_pass Only for Corda Enterprise Networkmap. Truststore password

The organizations section allows specification of one or many organizations that will be connecting to a network. If an organization is also hosting the root of the network (e.g. doorman, membership service, etc), then these services should be listed in this section as well. In the sample example the 1st Organisation is hosting the root of the network, so the services doorman, nms and notary are listed under the 1st organization’s service.

The snapshot of an organization field with sample values is below

    - organization:
      name: manufacturer
      country: CH
      state: Zurich
      location: Zurich
      subject: "O=Manufacturer,OU=Manufacturer,L=Zurich,C=CH"
      type: node
      cloud_provider: aws # Options: aws, azure, gcp

Each organization under the organizations section has the following fields.

Field Description
name Name of the organization
country Country of the organization
state State of the organization
location Location of the organization
subject Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
subordinate_ca_subject Only for Corda Enterprise. Subordinate CA Subject for the CENM.
type This field can be doorman-nms-notary/node/cenm
version Defines the CENM version. Only for Corda Enterprise, must be 1.5
external_url_suffix Public url suffix of the cluster. This is the configured path for the Ambassador Service on the DNS provider.
cloud_provider Cloud provider of the Kubernetes cluster for this organization. This field can be aws, azure or gcp
aws When the organization cluster is on AWS
k8s Kubernetes cluster deployment variables.
vault Contains Hashicorp Vault server address and root-token in the example
gitops Git Repo details which will be used by GitOps/Flux.
Firewall Only for Corda Enterprise Networkmap. Contains firewall options and credentials
cordapps (optional) Cordapps Repo details which will be used to store/fetch cordapps jar
services Contains list of services which could be peers/doorman/nms/notary/idman/signer

For the aws and k8s field the snapshot with sample values is below

        access_key: "<aws_access_key>"    # AWS Access key, only used when cloud_provider=aws
        secret_key: "<aws_secret>"        # AWS Secret key, only used when cloud_provider=aws
      # Kubernetes cluster deployment variables.
        region: "<k8s_region>"
        context: "<cluster_context>"
        config_file: "<path_to_k8s_config_file>"

The aws field under each organisation contains: (This will be ignored if cloud_provider is not ‘aws’)

Field Description
access_key AWS Access key
secret_key AWS Secret key

The k8s field under each organisation contains

Field Description
context Context/Name of the cluster where the organization entities should be deployed
config_file Path to the kubernetes cluster configuration file

For gitops fields the snapshot from the sample configuration file with the example values is below

      # Git Repo details which will be used by GitOps/Flux.
        git_protocol: "https" # Option for git over https or ssh
        git_url: "<username>/bevel.git" # Gitops htpps or ssh url for flux value files
        branch: "<branch_name>"                                                  # Git branch where release is being made
        release_dir: "platforms/r3-corda/releases/dev" # Relative Path in the Git repo for flux sync per environment. 
        chart_source: "platforms/r3-corda/charts"      # Relative Path where the Helm charts are stored in Git repo
        git_repo: "<username>/bevel.git"
        username: "<username>"          # Git Service user who has rights to check-in in all branches
        password: "<password>"          # Git Server user password/personal token (Optional for ssh; Required for https)
        email: "<git_email>"              # Email to use in git config
        private_key: "<path to gitops private key>" # Path to private key (Optional for https; Required for ssh)

The gitops field under each organization contains

Field Description
git_protocol Option for git over https or ssh. Can be https or ssh
git_url SSH or HTTPs url of the repository where flux should be synced
branch Branch of the repository where the Helm Charts and value files are stored
release_dir Relative path where flux should sync files
chart_source Relative path where the helm charts are stored
git_repo Gitops git repo URL https URL for git push like ""
username Username which has access rights to read/write on repository
password Password of the user which has access rights to read/write on repository (Optional for ssh; Required for https)
email Email of the user to be used in git config
private_key Path to the private key file which has write-access to the git repo (Optional for https; Required for ssh)

The credentials field under each organization contains

Field Description
keystore Contains passwords for keystores
truststore Contains passwords for truststores
ssl Contains passwords for ssl keystores

For organization as type cenm the credential block looks like

          keystore: cordacadevpass #notary keystore password
          idman: password #idman keystore password
          networkmap: password #networkmap keystore password
          subordinateca: password #subordinateCA keystore password
          rootca: password # rootCA keystore password
          tlscrlsigner: password #tls-crl-signer keystore password
          truststore: trustpass #notary truststore password
          rootca: password #network root truststore password
          ssl: password #corda ssl truststore password
          networkmap: password #ssl networkmap keystore password
          idman: password #ssl idman keystore password
          signer: password #ssl signer keystore password
          root: password #ssl root keystore password
          auth: password #ssl auth keystore password

For organization as type node the credential section is under peers section and looks like

            truststore: trustpass #node truststore password
            keystore: cordacadevpass #node keystore password

For cordapps fields the snapshot from the sample configuration file with the example values is below: This has not been implented for Corda Enterprise.

      # Cordapps Repository details (optional use if cordapps jar are store in a repository)
        - jar:
            # e.g
        - jar:
            # e.g
        username: "cordapps_repository_username"
        password: "cordapps_repository_password"

The cordapps optional field under each organization contains

Field Description
jars Contains list of jars with jar URL that needs to fetched and put into organisation nodes
username Cordapps Repository username
password Cordapps Repository password

For Corda Enterprise, following additional fields have been added under each organisation.

        enabled: true       # true if firewall components are to be deployed
        subject: "CN=Test Firewall CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
            firewallca: firewallcapassword
            float: floatpassword
            bridge: bridgepassword

The Firewall field under each node type organization contains; valid only for enterprise corda

Field Description
enabled true/false for enabling firewall (external bridge and float)
subject Certificate Subject for firewall, format at OpenSSL Subject
credentials Contains credentials for bridge and float

The services field for each organization under organizations section of Corda contains list of services which could be doorman/idman/nms/notary/peers for opensource, and additionally idman/networkmap/signer/bridge/float for Corda Enterprise.

The snapshot of doorman service with example values is below

          name: doormanskar
          subject: "CN=Corda Doorman CA,OU=DLT,O=DLT,L=Berlin,C=DE"
          db_subject: "/C=US/ST=California/L=San Francisco/O=My Company Ltd/OU=DBA/CN=mongoDB"
          type: doorman
            servicePort: 8080
            targetPort: 8080
          tls: "on"

The fields under doorman service are

Field Description
name Name for the Doorman service
subject Certificate Subject for Doorman service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
db_subject Certificate subject for mongodb database of doorman
type Service type must be doorman
ports.servicePort HTTP port number where doorman service is accessible
ports.targetPort HTTP target port number of the doorman docker-container
tls On/off based on whether we want TLS on/off for doorman

The snapshot of nms service example values is below

          name: networkmapskar
          subject: "CN=Network Map,OU=FRA,O=FRA,L=Berlin,C=DE"
          db_subject: "/C=US/ST=California/L=San Francisco/O=My Company Ltd/OU=DBA/CN=mongoDB"
          type: networkmap
            servicePort: 8080
            targetPort: 8080
          tls: "on"  

The fields under nms service are

Field Description
name Name of the NetworkMap service
subject Certificate Subject for NetworkMap service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
db_subject Certificate subject for mongodb database of nms.
type Service type must be networkmap
ports.servicePort HTTP port number where NetworkMap service is accessible
ports.targetPort HTTP target port number of the NetworkMap docker-container
tls On/off based on whether we want TLS on/off for nms

For Corda Enterprise, following services must be added to CENM Support.

The snapshot of zone service with example values is below

          name: zone
          type: cenm-zone
            enm: 25000
            admin: 12345

The fields under zone service are

Field Description
name Name for the Zone service
type Service type must be cenm-zone
ports.enm HTTP enm port number where zone service is accessible internally
ports.admin HTTP admin port number of zone service

The snapshot of auth service with example values is below

          name: auth
          subject: "CN=Test TLS Auth Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
          type: cenm-auth
          port: 8081
          username: admin
          userpwd: p4ssWord

The fields under auth service are

Field Description
name Name for the Auth service
subject Certificate Subject for Auth service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
type Service type must be cenm-auth
ports HTTP port number where auth service is accessible internally
username Admin user name for auth service
userpwd Admin password for auth service

The snapshot of gateway service with example values is below

          name: gateway
          subject: "CN=Test TLS Gateway Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
          type: cenm-gateway
            servicePort: 8080
            ambassadorPort: 15008

The fields under gateway service are

Field Description
name Name for the Gateway service
subject Certificate Subject for Gateway service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
type Service type must be cenm-gateway
ports.servicePort HTTP port number where gateway service is accessible internally
ports.ambassadorPort Port where gateway service is exposed via Ambassador

The snapshot of idman service with example values is below

          name: idman
          subject: "CN=Test Identity Manager Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
          crlissuer_subject: "CN=Corda TLS CRL Authority,OU=Corda UAT,O=R3 HoldCo LLC,L=New York,C=US"
          type: cenm-idman
          port: 10000

The fields under idman service are

Field Description
name Name for the IDman service
subject Certificate Subject for Idman service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
crlissuer_subject Certificate subject for CRL Issuer service
type Service type must be cenm-idman
port HTTP port number where idman service is accessible internally

The snapshot of networkmap service with example values is below

          name: networkmap
          subject: "CN=Test Network Map Service Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
          type: cenm-networkmap
            servicePort: 10000
            targetPort: 10000

The fields under networkmap service are

Field Description
name Name for the Networkmap service
subject Certificate Subject for Networkmap service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
type Service type must be cenm-networkmap
ports.servicePort HTTP port number where networkmap service is accessible internally
ports.targetPort HTTP target port number of the networkmap docker-container

The snapshot of signer service with example values is below

          name: signer
          subject: "CN=Test Subordinate CA Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
          type: cenm-signer
            servicePort: 8080
            targetPort: 8080 

The fields under signer service are

Field Description
name Name for the Signer service
subject Certificate Subject for Signer service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
type Service type must be cenm-signer
ports.servicePort HTTP port number where signer service is accessible
ports.targetPort HTTP target port number of the signer docker-container

The snapshot of notary service with example values is below

        # Currently only supporting a single notary cluster, but may want to expand in the future
          name: notary1
          subject: "O=Notary,OU=Notary,L=London,C=GB"
          serviceName: "O=Notary Service,OU=Notary,L=London,C=GB" # available for Corda 4.7 onwards to support HA Notary
          type: notary          
            port: 10002
            targetPort: 10002
            ambassador: 15010       #Port for ambassador service (must be from env.ambassadorPorts above)
            port: 10003
            targetPort: 10003
            port: 10005
            targetPort: 10005
            port: 9101
            targetPort: 1521
            port: 8080
            targetPort: 81

The fields under notary service are

Field Description
name Name of the notary service
subject Certificate Subject for notary node. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
serviceName Certificate Subject for notary service applicable from Corda 4.7 onwards. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
type Service type must be notary
validating Only for Corda Enterprise Notary. Determines if Notary is validating or non-validating. Use true or false
emailAddress Only for Corda Enterprise Notary. Email address in the notary conf.
p2p.port Corda Notary P2P port. Used for communication between the notary and nodes of same network
p2p.targetport P2P Port where notary service is running.
p2p.ambassadorport Port where notary service is exposed via Ambassador
rpc.port Corda Notary RPC port. Used for communication between the notary and nodes of same network
rpc.targetport RPC Port where notary services is running.
rpcadmin.port Corda Notary Rpcadmin port. Used for RPC admin binding
dbtcp.port Corda Notary DbTcp port. Used to expose database to other services
dbtcp.targetPort Corda Notary DbTcp target port. Port where the database services are running
dbweb.port Corda Notary dbweb port. Used to expose dbweb to other services
dbweb.targetPort Corda Notary dbweb target port. Port where the dbweb services are running

The snapshot of float service with example values is below

        name: float
        subject: "CN=Test Float Certificate, OU=HQ, O=HoldCo LLC, L=New York, C=US"
        cloud_provider: aws   # Options: aws, azure, gcp
          access_key: "aws_access_key"        # AWS Access key, only used when cloud_provider=aws
          secret_key: "aws_secret_key"        # AWS Secret key, only used when cloud_provider=aws
          context: "float_cluster_context"
          config_file: "float_cluster_config"
          url: "float_vault_addr"
          root_token: "float_vault_root_token"
          git_url: "<username>/bevel.git"         # Gitops https or ssh url for flux value files 
          branch: "develop"           # Git branch where release is being made
          release_dir: "platforms/r3-corda-ent/releases/float" # Relative Path in the Git repo for flux sync per environment. 
          chart_source: "platforms/r3-corda-ent/charts"     # Relative Path where the Helm charts are stored in Git repo
          git_repo: "<username>/bevel.git"   # Gitops git repository URL for git push 
          username: "git_username"          # Git Service user who has rights to check-in in all branches
          password: "git_access_token"          # Git Server user password/access token (Optional for ssh; Required for https)
          email: "git_email"                # Email to use in git config
          private_key: "path_to_private_key"          # Path to private key file which has write-access to the git repo (Optional for https; Required for ssh)
          p2p_port: 40000
          tunnelport: 39999
          ambassador_tunnel_port: 15021
          ambassador_p2p_port: 15020

The fields under float service are below. Valid for corda enterprise only.

Field Description
name Name for the float service
subject Certificate Subject for Float service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject
external_url_suffix Public url suffix of the cluster. This is the configured path for the Ambassador Service on the DNS provider.
cloud_provider Cloud provider of the Kubernetes cluster for this organization. This field can be aws, azure or gcp
aws When the organization cluster is on AWS
k8s Kubernetes cluster deployment variables.
vault Contains Hashicorp Vault server address and root-token in the example
gitops Git Repo details which will be used by GitOps/Flux.
ports.p2p_port Peer to peer service port
ports.tunnel_port Tunnel port for tunnel between float and bridge service
port.ambassador_tunnel_port Ambassador port for tunnel between float and bridge service
gitops Ambassador port Peer to peer

The fields under bridge service are below. Valid for corda enterprise only.

Field Description
name Name for the bridge service
subject Certificate Subject for bridge service. Subject format can be referred at OpenSSL Subject

The snapshot of peer service with example values is below

      # The participating nodes are named as peers 
        - peer:
          name: manufacturerskar
          subject: "O=Manufacturer,OU=Manufacturer,L=47.38/8.54/Zurich,C=CH"
          type: node
            port: 10002
            targetPort: 10002
            ambassador: 15010       #Port for ambassador service (must be from env.ambassadorPorts above)
            port: 10003
            targetPort: 10003
            port: 10005
            targetPort: 10005
            port: 9101
            targetPort: 1521
            port: 8080
            targetPort: 81
          springboot:             # This is for the springboot server
            targetPort: 20001
            port: 20001 
          expressapi:             # This is for the express api server
            targetPort: 3000
            port: 3000

The fields under each peer service are

Field Description
name Name of the Corda Node
type Service type must be node
subject The node legal name subject.
auth Vault auth of the corda Node
p2p.port Corda Node P2P port.Used for communication between the nodes of same network
rpc.port Corda Node RPC port. Used for communication between the nodes of different network
rpcadmin.port Corda Node Rpcadmin port. Used for RPC admin binding
dbtcp.port Corda Node DbTcp port. Used to expose database to other services
dbtcp.targetPort Corda Node DbTcp target port. Port where the database services are running
dbweb.port Corda Node dbweb port. Used to expose dbweb to other services
dbweb.targetPort Corda Node dbweb target port. Port where the dbweb services are running
springboot.port Springboot server port. Used to expose springboot to other services
springboot.targetPort Springboot server target port. Port where the springboot services are running
expressapi.port Expressapi port. Used to expose expressapi to other services
expressapi.targetPort Expressapi target port. Port where the expressapi services are running